Pregnancy After Loss Group

We are launching a new and improved programme to support you through your pregnancy after loss.  You are welcome to join the sessions at any stage of your pregnancy. We offer 5 different monthly sessions over 5-6 months, so joining as early as possible means you can access more information. We will be with you offering support through these sessions throughout the pregnancy, tackling different worries at each stage with you.  Please let us know if you would like to attend the sessions by completing the form below; the dates, times and topics are displayed below.

Month Activity Date/ Time Venue
February Managing Milestones Wednesday 12th Feb, 7pm Victoria House, Victoria Street, TA1 3FA
March Relaxation in Pregnancy Wednesday 12th March, 7pm Victoria House, Victoria Street, TA1 3FA
May Bonding with Bump Wednesday 14th May, 7pm Victoria House, Victoria Street, TA1 3FA